11/04/2024: Quickstart Guide

Update 11/04/2024: Quickstart Guide

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since the Quickstart Guide for Ignited was last made available. This is mainly due to the rocky and volatile nature of the system at the time. Now, with the system largely settled, the Quickstart Guide can be finished and remain relevant for the foreseeable future (though may get edited slightly as tweaks happen). The last two pages are also reference sheets for combat and possible Actions. However, Do note a few things about the Quickstart Guide:

  1. It's not just a condensed version of the Rulebook.
    Certain mechanics and systems (like Creature Spells) were omitted from the Guide for simplicity and brevity. The Quickstart teaches you all you need to know to start playing, and if the player happens to want to play with other mechanics, then that's the GM and player's responsibility to teach and learn, respectively.
  2. It's not as complete a reference as the Rulebook.
    There is a reduced glossary in the Quickstart Guide, but certain entries have been omitted for simplicity. There are just some terms that players need to know more than others.
  3. It's not a replacement for a GM and session 0.
    This Guide was made both as a teaching aid for GM's and as a reference to newer players. That said, do NOT expect the GM's Guide to teach you absolutely everything about the game, nor would it tell you anything about Journey-specific content your GM may have. Always remember to ask your GM.

Ultimately I hope this guide serves to help teach new players, whether new to Ignited or new to Tabletop Roleplaying Games as a whole, and even then this Guide is still subject to change-- I'll try my best to avoid changing it, but who knows what the future holds.

Thank you all again for your love and support of this humble game!



Ignited-Quickstart-Guide-1.0.pdf 271 kB
Nov 04, 2024

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